Thursday, October 11, 2012

Waiting For Him

"When you know God has set an anointed time, you can enter into rest. You don't need to worry about finding the right one."

I heard that quote last Sunday (October 7th, 2012) and it was just an eye opener! 
When I heard that quote, I began to read Scripture and see what God says about a set time. In Habbukah 2:3 it says, "The vision is for an appointed time. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely come."

I know that many young women get all caught up in searching for the right guy or worry if they will ever find true love. I strongly believe that if you have the desire to get married that God has the perfect man out there for you! Just wait for His perfect timing! Spend time and fall in love with Jesus, your true Prince! I encourage you to now to pray for your future husband. Pray for his protection and strength so that he won't be tempted to give pieces of his heart away! Pray that God blesses him and gives him favor!

If you are with a guy right now, ask yourself this, "Is he someone I would want to be married to for the rest of my life?" If you are thinking no or aren't quite sure, you should let him go, he probably isn't the one that God created for you. "Let go of your Ishmael and your Isaac will come!"

"Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, not to awaken love until the time is right." - Song of Solomon 8:4! Girls, don't date a guy just because all of your friends have boyfriends or you happen to find a guy to be attractive or are desperate. Don't rush into a relationship, don't awaken love, it may not be the right time! Right now your "Adam" is sleeping. Right now your "Boaz" is waiting!

So now while you are waiting for your prince charming or knight in shining armor; make a list of characteristics you want in your future husband!

I, personally, have a huge list! Listed below are a few things on my list that I am searching for in my future husband! What is on your list?

He must be a Christian and love God with all of his heart.

He must love me. He needs to respect and be “sensitive” to my feelings.

He also must respect and love his future in-laws (or in-loves as what my family would say).

Be romantic. Take me out on dates and randomly surprise me with flowers, candles, chocolate or hand-written letter. (Also he must remember all those special dates!)

Be mission-minded. Be willing to serve others. (However make sure he doesn’t miss out on his own family’s lives.)

Be adventurous! Likes to try new things! Likes to travel! (or develop a love for traveling)

Be a hard worker. Find creative ways to save/earn extra money. However he must not be a cheapo!

Funny. I need a guy that will have the ability to make me laugh no matter how I feel.

Love children. (I want our future kids to look up to him.)

The next thing I list is really important to me. I want him to be a virgin. I want his heart to be pure! ( a bonus would be if he is too saving his first kiss for our wedding day!)
Slow to anger. If I do something to tick him off, I don’t want him to blow up.

Gracious and forgiving heart. Forgive those who have treated him wrong.

I want a guy that doesn’t drink alcohol, smoke or party.

Good looking! I need to be with someone I find attractive: both physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Encouraging Lips! I need a guy who know gives me the right words at the same time. Always encouraging me.

Full of joy! I want my husband to always have a smile on his lips and shine in his eyes! I want people to see Jesus in him!

Devotions and Praise! I want him and I to be eager to learn more about God! I want us to have a set time where we both do devotions and worship God.

Honest. I need him to be open with me.

Faithful. I need him to be faithful!

Strength. That he would be strong in his faith, when we face hard situations.

That he would have an inner gentleness.

That he is a leader, a courageous leader. Standing up for the truth.

Compassionate. Helping those who are hurting and being compassionate to those who have hurt him.

Now I know a lot of you are saying well good luck finding a guy with all those character traits but you know what even if he doesn't I know God has guy out there who is the perfect match and I will love him wholeheartedly! Love never fails!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mission Trips

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
Mark 16:15

I love mission trips. I love meeting different people around the world. I love sharing my testimony and pouring into different people lives as they pour back into my own life. As a Christian, I believe that God has called each Christian to do missions. You may not be called to be a long-term missionary to a different country, but you are called to missions. I believe missions is about being the body of Christ! Sharing the gospel, reaching out and showing hope to the lost, helping people reach their full potential in life, healing those who are sick, feeding the hungry, remembering the ones who feel like they have been forgotten, clothing the naked, providing shelter for the homeless, loving on the orphans, playing with children and so much more! Right now you are a missionary,you start in your own community!

I have been on two international mission trips so far, my first mission trip was to Honduras (April 2011) and my second mission trip was to Nicaragua (July 2012). I think it is important that you go on at least one mission trip in your lifespan because it opens your eye to how most of the world lives. Not only are you going there to help change these people lives, these trips change your life as well!

Watch the video below to see a little preview of my trips to Honduras and Nicaragua!